Rats, large hats and flowers... | Nora Vasconcellos, Nicole Hause, Zorah Olivia

Our friend and photogragher Zorah Olivia sent us some pictures from her trip with Nora Vasconcellos and Nicole Hause in Seattle. Check it out!

Nora V_feeble_uncolored.jpg

Here’s what Zorah Olivia had to say about the trip…

Best part about traveling with Nora and Nicole?
The best part about traveling with Nora and Nicole is the constant laughter, they both make me laugh until I’m in tears. I love them both and I can’t wait to go on more trips with them!

Funniest moment?
The first night of the trip Nora read us some “bedtime” stories which consisted of cringey Instagram DM’s…
AND another hilarious moment was when we were shooting photos on that massive hat and this man came up and started complaining. He pulled his phone out and started calling the cops so we all started fucking with him. Nicole’s boyfriend, Josh, started helping the girls down and the man was blocking them from coming down. We watched the guy run himself into a pole, fall to the ground, and cry out while still on the phone with the cops, “They assaulted me, they assaulted me.” We left before the cops came anyways, it was ridiculous.

What would the theme song of the trip be?
Nora and I both have a shared love for Beach House. I don’t remember a specific song from the trip but Majorette from Beach House definitely stands out

Favorite photo from the trip?
The photo of Nora scooping up the diseased half-dead rat with Gilbert. We rolled up to the park and found it laying there. It took us at least 30 minutes to successfully get it out of the way.

How did Nora get on top of that huge hat?
They pulled the van up under the hat and tried to get up that way but it was still too high up. So they ended up stacking a trash can on top of the van and got up that way. It was definitely sketchy but worth it!

All photography by @zoraholivia

elley norman